
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Pet Harness

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They say that dogs are “man’s best friend,” but the reality is that dogs don’t want to be your best friend. They want to be your own personal outdoor adventure companion, and for them, a good harness can make all the difference in their comfort and safety. So, when you’re ready to buy one, there are some things you need to keep in mind.

Get your pet’s measurements.

To find the best harness for your dog, you need to know his or her measurements. This will help ensure that the harness fits correctly and provides the right amount of support. You can get these measurements by measuring your dog’s chest and neck, girth (around their belly), and length or if you don’t have a tape measure handy, use this guide:

  • Chest/Neck: Place two fingers between your pet’s neck and collar or harness while they’re standing up straight but relaxed. Be sure not to pull on their fur or skin!
  • Girth (Belly): Measure around their tummy with one hand; again, be careful not to pull on any hairs or skin while doing so!
  • Length: Measure from where their tail starts down towards their back legs as shown in this diagram:

Get the perfect fit.

When you’re buying a harness, it’s important to get the right fit. A good fit will keep your dog comfortable and safe while they’re wearing it, and it’ll make life easier for you too! To measure your dog correctly:

  • Measure their neck circumference at the largest point (just below their jaw).
  • Measure their chest circumference horizontally at its widest point.
  • Measure their length from neck to tail base if they have one or two hind legs missing due to injury or illness; otherwise just measure from collarbone down to where leg meets body (this may vary depending on breed).

Read the instructions carefully.

When you’re purchasing a new pet harness, it’s important to read the instructions carefully. You should always check for quality, guarantee and safety.

If you are buying online, make sure that there is a guarantee on your purchase. This will give you peace of mind if anything goes wrong with your product after purchase.

It’s also important that the harness feels safe for your dog because if they feel uncomfortable in it then they won’t wear it as much as they could be doing otherwise! You will want something which is comfortable and allows them plenty of freedom when walking around so that they don’t get frustrated or bored while out on walks together with their owners (or even just hanging around).

Check for quality.

There are a few things you can look for when checking the quality of your harness.

  • Workmanship: Look at how well-made it is, and if there are any loose threads or other signs that it wasn’t constructed with care.
  • Durability: Make sure that you won’t have to replace this product in less than a year’s time because it’s falling apart!
  • Stitching: Check that all the stitching is secure, especially around areas where stress points might occur (think where straps meet buckles).
  • Elasticity/Resistance: Does this item stretch easily? Or does it stay put? If either one happens too much or not enough respectively then you’ll want to choose another option because having something that doesn’t fit properly can lead directly into accidents down the road as well as discomfort for both you and your pet during use which means no one wins here!

A good harness can make a big difference in your dog’s comfort and safety.

Harnesses are important for keeping your dog safe. A harness keeps your dog from straining against the leash, which can cause neck or back injuries. If you’re walking on uneven ground (like sand), this is especially important as it helps evenly distribute their weight across their body rather than putting all of it on one side of their body at a time.

Harnesses are also great for helping keep them comfortable while they’re out walking with you! They’ll be able to breathe more easily than if they were simply tied up by a collar around their necks, and many come with padding that adds extra cushioning around sensitive areas like shoulders or chests so there’s no risk of chafing caused by rubbing against metal links or plastic clips during long walks through hot weather conditions like ours here in Arizona!


If you’re looking to buy a new pet harness, we hope this list of tips and tricks will help you find the best one for your dog. Remember that not all harnesses are created equal, and some may not be right for your pet’s needs or size. If you have any questions about choosing a harness or anything else related to pets, please feel free to contact us at Best Pets Gear!